Pleurozium schreberi (Brid.) Mitt. - Schreber's Feathermoss


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Pleurozium schreberi - (image 1 of 3)



Family: Hylocomiaceae


Open or shaded woods, bogs, swamps on a variety of substrates.




Circumpolar. Most of Canada and AK, south NC, AL, AR, to CO. Also northern South America and Costa Rica.


Robust pleurocarpous moss with erect-ascending stems to 16 cm high, from a decumbent base. Branches pinnately branched, julaceous, cuspidate-tipped. Paraphyllia absent, stem and branch leaves not differentiated.  Leaves loosely imbricate, concave, oblong-ovate; costa short and double; alar cells short-oblong, with thick, orange walls. Dioicous. Perichaetial leaves (surrounding the archegonium) erect, elongate, acuminate. Setae 2-4 cm long, reddish, smooth; capsules 2-2.5 mm long, smooth, curved, horizontal or inclined, annulus absent.


Most notable for its red stems that show through the semi-transparent leaves when moist. Does not survive fire well because it lacks rhizoids that penetrate the soil.



Crum, H. 2004. Mosses of the Great Lakes Forest, 4th ed.

The University of Michigan Herbarium. Ann Arbor, MI





 Michael Hough © 2009